White Christmas

White Christmas . BDT Stage . Glenn Ross-98

I have not been in the Christmas spirit. It’s hard to be cheery about the holidays when it is 62 degrees outside. However, when I got the chance to go to “White Christmas” at BTD Stage in Boulder, I jumped at it. Not only do I love the story and thought it would help me get in a Christmassy mood, but I also can’t remember the last time I saw

Scrooge logo

Two very different Christmas shows are now playing in Northern Colorado, and I have had the chance to see them.   Read my reviews and decide which one is right for your family this season. The two musicals are strikingly different, and each has strong points, so you may decide to see both. “Scrooge! The Musical” While the entire cast is talented, Brian Burron, as Scrooge, is the heart of