My father was a fan of the original “Star Trek” series, and introduced my brother and me to Captain Kirk and Spock when we were still wee children. But it wasn’t the original series that held my unswerving attention. As an adolescent I was a huge fan of “Star Trek: The Next Generation.” I’ve seen every episode at least twice and in an admission of my inner-geek, I am collecting each season on DVD.
The new movie, simply entitled “Star Trek,” will open in two days, and my excitement is mixed with a bit of apprehension. The previews seem to target a teen audience, but previews can be misleading. The casting is an odd mixture; you will recognize many of the faces, but not be able to put names to all of them.
Chris Pine has been cast as a young Captain Kirk. Unfortunately, for those who sat painfully through “Bottle Shock,” it is obvious Pine won’t be winning an Oscar anytime soon – the moment he opens his mouth the blond haired, blue eyed hunk exemplifies the California surfer dude stereotype. Perhaps this won’t matter, as William Shatner wasn’t known for his elegant prose or excellent acting abilities.
There were several good picks by the studio. Simon Pegg, a very funny British actor, plays Scotty. “Heroes” bad boy Zachary Quinto (“Heroes” Sylar) looks like he will play a convincing young Spock. Eric Bana, excellent Australian actor (and handsome), has also been cast in the new film. Winona Ryder snagged herself a role in the film, a competent actress before she became better known for thieving undies from Sack’s 5th Avenue. A slew of young stars will appear, along with Lenard Nimoy (I heard rumors of William Shatner’s displeasure at not being asked to appear, but this is unsubstantiated).
J.J. Abrams directed this movie, which is being promoted as an action-packed thrill ride.
Will this “Star Trek” delight or disappoint? We shall see, but I will be in line on Friday, with the rest of the Trekkies – I will be the one not in a Star Fleet uniform.