Last night, or rather, this morning, I attended the midnight premiere of “New Moon“ with several Twi-hard friends. I was expecting screaming, crying and gnashing of teeth, but I was let down.
Yes, excitement was in the air, but the crowd wasn’t nearly as electric as I thought they would be. Amazingly there were a few teenage boys in the crowd – must have been trying to impress their girlfriends or maybe they are on Team Jacob (not that there’s anything wrong with it).

All the midnight showings were sold out, but there were still tickets available for the 2:55 a.m. show. I guess the fans of this series just aren’t quite as diehard as I thought.
We had been told by theater management to get there four hours early and bring lawn chairs, but thankfully we were having drinks next door and were able to keep an eye on the theater parking lot. We could see it wasn’t filling up and there was not a line at the door. We walked in an hour before show time and got right in. I was hoping for some elbowing and perhaps a few bloody noses, but no such luck.

Everyone was very civil, and perhaps that is part of my problem with the series. With all those vampires and werewolves, you’d expect some blood and mayhem, but Stephenie Meyer just doesn’t deliver on that count. Of course, I haven’t read the last two books, perhaps there’s some mayhem in those, but I’m not holding my breath.
Stay tuned for HeidiTown’s movie review of “New Moon,” by writer and artist Susan Richards.
Maybe the Twi-hards are getting a bit jaded?
You’re just in the wrong state, the lines in Washington were crazy. I haven’t gone yet. I didn’t want to deal with the madness.