HeidiTown takes on "New Moon" - Chapter 15 through the end

Synopsis: Bella  jumped off a cliff. Yes! But unfortunately, Jacob saves her. Also unfortunately, Alice sees it and thinks Bella has died.   Alice tells Rosalie who then informs Edward, who has banished himself to South America. Alice decides to make a trip back to Forks in order to check on Bella, only to find her alive. But Edward has made a horrible decision. Like Romeo, he cannot live without

Bah humbug on celebrating Christmas before it "˜tis the season

There are over fifty-two days until Christmas, yet you’d think it was right around the corner. With Christmas music flooding department stores and “A Christmas Carol” opening in theaters this weekend, it’s all just a little too much to take. “A Christmas Carol” is one of my husband’s favorite stories, and we’ve been looking forward to Jim Carrey’s onscreen version. However, we refuse to see it this early in the

Writing: it's so easy caveman can do it

How many of you have said these words,  either publicly, or in your head, “I’d like to write a novel” ? Well, now is your chance. November is National Novel Writing Month. The goal of NNWM is to write a 175-page, 50,000 word novel by midnight on November 30.   That’s approximately 1,666 words a day, and take it from someone who writes for a living, that’s not very many

HeidiTown takes on "New Moon" - Chapters 9 through 14

Synopsis:   Trying to behave like a regular teenager, so her father won’t worry, Bella puts together a movie night with her high school friends, who she’s been ignoring due to her excessive wallowing. The night turns awkward when most of the invitees can’t go because everyone is sick. In the end, only the two boys with crushes on Bella, Mike and Jacob, can go. Oh Bella, you big tease!

Happy Halloween from HeidiTown

Looking for something scary to do this weekend?   Take a new look at Fort Collins, Colorado by taking a Terror Tour of Old Town. We took this tour last night and even though we are very familiar with Fort Collins, it was as if we were visiting a new town.   This walking  tour  takes approximately  60 minutes and  covers about a  mile and  a half of old town

HeidiTown takes on "New Moon" - slogging through Chapters 4 - 8

Synopsis: With Edward gone Bella is a wreck, but she tries to snap out of it when her father threatens to send her back to her mother. Bella discovers she can hear Edwards voice when she does something dangerous, like chatting up men outside a bar in Port Angeles. So Bella decides to pursue rushes of adrenaline. In her quest she finds a couple of run down motorcycles, but unable

"Law Abiding Citizen" - Two high profile actors equally share the spotlight

Review by Jeremy Whitlock I’ve seen a lot of mixed reviews on this film so I went into it with an open mind.   Being open minded, I ended up leaving the movie wanting more.   While some of the movie was fairly predictable, I feel the story was very well written and the action well paced.   Overall, “Law Abiding Citizen” is an excellent film portraying how two high

HeidiTown takes on "New Moon" - Chapters 1 through 3

  Synopsis: In Chapter 1 of “New Moon“ Bella faces her eighteenth birthday and the fact she will grow old and gray while Edward will stay handsome and forever seventeen. Her realization makes her angry and she doesn’t want to celebrate her birthday, but her vampire friends have other plans. They throw a party at the Cullen mansion where bumbling Bella gets a paper cut. At the sight of her