Being a true fan of dinner theater, I’ve been anxious to visit this relatively new playhouse located just off I25 near the famous Johnson’s Corner in Johnstown, Colorado. I’d heard the 6 million dollar facility is fantastic inside and I was not disappointed; the place is outstanding. I felt like I’d just walked out of Northern Colorado and into a Broadway playhouse.
Dinner seating begins at 6 p.m. and being an overly prompt person, I arrived at 5:45 p.m. I waited in the large lobby, watching as the crowds rolled in. Some people were dressed up, some in nicely pressed jeans and a collared shirt, while one group actually showed up dressed in 1920s vintage outfits.
At 6:00 p.m. I was directed into the theater, a large, dazzling space, complete with tiered seating. The atmosphere inspired me to order… CLICK HIT TO FINISH READING THIS REVIEW.
I was especially excited for this review because (A.) my husband really wants to see this performance and (B.) I was curious about the theater and it’s food. I’ve never been terribly impressed with Carousal in Fort Collins. Food has been so-so if not a bit below average in my opinion (always reminded me of university or hotel catering food) and the venue left a lot to be desired. I’ve heard great things about the new theater and I’m glad you validated it. Now the only dilemma we have is who to invite since it was going to be my Backbone hiking buddy and her hubby. 😉