The following is my weekly segment on KRFC 88.9 FM. If you prefer, you can listen to the audio HERE, or read through the following transcript of the show. Enjoy!
FYI: I am giving away tickets to the KRFC Birthday Bash on this Thursday, March 8, so please tune back into the blog on Thursday to enter!
Hi, my name is Heidi and I’m the Mayor of, a blog about events, festivals and travel in Colorado.
It’s already the second weekend in March and that means St. Patrick’s Day is almost here! I love the holiday and this year it’s landing on a Saturday. There are parades all over the state on Saturday, March 17, including the granddaddy of them all, the 50th Denver St.
Patrick’s Day Parade in Lower Downtown. There are also parades in Colorado Springs, Greeley, and of course, right here in Fort Collins.
New this year in Fort Collins, after the parade, stay downtown and enjoy and Irish Party with live music and green beer in Old Town Square. More at
Now, back to this weekend, March 9 through the 11th 2011.
First and foremost, this Saturday it’s the 9th Annual KRFC Birthday Bash and this year it’s going to be grand. The party is being held at Lincoln Center and is a fundraiser for KRFC, Fort Collin’s very own public radio. The live music showcase will include Ben Taylor, John Common and the Blinding Flashes of Light, Fierce Bad Rabbit, Danielle Ate the Sandwich, Jaden Carlson and Martin Gilmore. Come out and support public radio and have a great time as well.
For beer lovers this Friday and Saturday, Avery Brewing Company in Boulder Presents the 10th Annual Boulder Strong Ale Fest. The event celebrates craft beers from all over the country that are above 8 percent ABV. For more information go to
If you are a craft beer fan, and many, many of you are, you can spend nearly every weekend attending a beer event, and I can’t cover them all, but I’ve discovered a guy who does. There’s a beer blogger in Greeley who puts out a list of all beer related events each and every week. Impressive, right? So check his blog out at
Horse lovers won’t want to miss the Rocky Mountain Horse Expo at the National Western Complex in Denver this weekend. This huge event runs the 9th through the 11th and there are over 150 presentations being given at the event in 7 venues. I did mention this is a big event, right? Cowboy tales, a craft show and an holistic horse fair are just three of dozens of events scheduled for the Rocky Mountain Horse Expo. Go to for all the information.
Here’s a unique event I discovered. It’s the 2012 Old House Fair being held at Metro State. Denver’s Old House Society hosts the event that offers resources and workshops specifically for people who own homes over 50-years-old. The fair includes an antique road show, notable Denver appraisers, workshops on all kinds of subjects and exhibitors will be on hand to showcase products and services. If you own an old home, this is an excellent opportunity to get some of your questions answered. Visit for details.
This is a bit of a drive from Northern Colorado, but for birders it will be worth it. The 29th Annual Monte Vista Crane Festival runs the 9th through the 11th. I have friends who have been to this event and they were very impressed. The festival includes birding outings, workshops, a craft show and a lot more. To learn all about this feathery festival visit
Last, as I informed you last week, I’m a crazy soccer fan and this weekend is opening day for the Colorado Rapids at Dick’s Sporting Goods Park in Commerce City. The Colorado Rapids take on the Columbus Crew this Saturday. Join me before the match at the Class VI/PidArmy tailgate! For more visit
That’s all for this week. As always you can keep up with me on Facebook at, or on Twitter @HeidiTown or join the town on Google Plus. So until next week, I will see you online!
Thanks for listening!