It’s summertime and that means the Colorado Renaissance Festival in Larkspur is in full swing. Ladies, lords, swordsman, wenches and peasants are gathering under the trees to celebrate all things medieval at one of Colorado’s best and longest produced festivals. It’s the 39th season of Colorado Renaissance Festival, an event that employs hundreds of talented folks who are there to make sure that YOU have the best experience possible while visiting the realm.
There are eight themed weekends planned, three of which are already in the history books. Upcoming weekends include Children’s Weekend (July 4-5), Wine Revelry (July 11-12), Love & Romance (July 18-19), Music & Dance Festival (July 25-26) and Fare Thee Well & Mardi Gras Style Carnivale (August 1-2). We are aiming to attend on Music & Dance weekend, a celebration of Celtic musicians featuring belly dance troupes, Irish dance groups and pipe bands. The super high energy band, Celtic Legacy will be featured this weekend.
My husband, who grew up in Littleton, has been attending the Colorado Renaissance Festival all his life and we rarely miss a season, and I know many of you are the same.
We get to the festival when the gates open because we enjoy being greeted by the Royal Court and we enjoy shopping before the crowds thicken. When the festival grounds start to get crowded it’s time for us to kick back with a cold hard cider and find a show or two to watch. We love tasting a variety of different food items at the festival including artichoke dipped in hot butter, meat on a stick, turkey legs and we always share a cold pickle. This week, you have the chance to win FOUR tickets to the Colorado Renaissance Festival from
In the comment section just tell me your favorite thing about this festival and you’ll be entered. If you’ve never been, tell me why you want to go. The winner will be chosen at random on Friday, July 3, 2015 at 3 p.m. Because of the holiday weekend, I will give the winner through Monday evening to respond before contacting the runner up. Good luck!
Thank you to the Colorado Renaissance Festival for providing the tickets for this giveaway.
always wanted to try and eat a club sized turkey leg
Love the RenFaire vocabulary. Only time all year I can put this to use! 🙂
The costumes!! I love a place where you can immerse yourself in wonderfully costumed people. 🙂
I haven’t been since I was a kid and would love to take my kids
I’ve never been, my children have been but I have not. I want to because it’s my people. I want to dress up and see the sights. I’ve never seen a joust and I’d like to. I want to visit with the fairies that I’ve liked on Facebook in person. I want to check out the wares. And yeah a giant turkey leg sounds good. I’m the type to check out everything Colorado has to offer and the fact that I’ve never been is kind of sacrilege. But summer is rough financially as I’m an educator raising two kids on my own. I’m pretty crafty in how I get around to doing things with my boys, but Ren faire has always been something out of reach for me.
The food!!!!
Haven’t been since I was a teenager! Would love to go back as a grownup and introduce my kids to it. (and I can buy beer now!)
The turkey legs are phenomenal and the actors are amazing! Last time I went here 25 years ago, I had my Palm read. My results were that I would marry the guy I went with (not even going out with him at the time lol) well it became true and we were married 1 year after that festival 😉 25 years later and it would be cool to have my Palm read again. Thanks for putting on such a wonderful event.
Eating a turkey leg!!
This would be a great chance for my husband and kids to attend for the first time. An experience my kids will never forget.
I’ve never been to this one, but I’ve been to other Ren Faires and I love the role play and costumes.
I love seeing the cool costumes!!! And dressing up myself!
The shopping !! So many neat things to buy.
So many wonderful memories! My favorite was when I saw Robin Hood and said, “Hey, it’s Robin Hood!” and he heard me and came over and asked me to please keep it on the down low that he was there. He then proceeded to give my daughter a fascinating lesson about the various arrows in his quiver. <3
PS are the tickets good for any weekend?
Yes! The tickets are good for any of the remaining weekends. Good luck!
Thank You! I enjoyed meeting your family as well. come back soon!
-The Hood
Moira loves the turkey legs. Rohan loves the magic wands. Liam is all over the smithy. And I love a great day out with my three favorite people!
I’ve never been but would love to go and take my kids! My middle son would love to try a turkey leg.
My kiddos would live all the costumes!
When I went many years ago there was a vendor selling beautifully crafted leather masks. I’d love to go back and, hopefully, get one this year.
Never been, but as a costume designer, the costumes have always been one of my favorite aspects. Comradery! Debauchery! 😀
I love to take my daughters every year! It’s a tradition for us however the pricing is high for all of us. This would be wonderful!!
I always liked the sword swallower – and he would pound nails up his nose! Is he still there?
We have only been once and my favorite part was the jousting. It was exciting to watch and the horses were beautiful! Now that we have a three year old I am excited to see what she thinks of the jousters and the horses.
They best part is the look on the kids faces during the knighting ceremony and the princess tea!
Never been but I’d love for my family to go. My niece would certainly dress up and the rest of us would tagalong behind her, enjoying the sights
The “rides” – my daughter thought the llama was the best and scariest ride ever 🙂
I’ve never been, but I would love to try it out. I work for a school district and don’t have my income during the summer, so we don’t do many fun things if they cost money. This would probably be our only chance to go.
The shopping and the food!
My favorite part is the costumes, my whole family dresses up when we visit.!
My father used to to take my sister and me to this festival in Ohio. I have always been in love with the clothes! I would love to continue the tradition my father started and take my son to this festival every year. Thanks for the chance to win!
I’ve always loved the hypnotizing shower and throwing tomatoes.
I just picked up a flyer at King Soopers for the RF. Jax was looking at this morning. It has been 4 – 5 years since we have been. I personally enjoy the shows, especially the comedy shows. There was a duo Puke & Snot I believe was the name, that had me laughing hysterically. I think Jax would enjoy it even more now that he has been in a few acting productions, as well.
Because I am a surgical nurse, I live in blue scrubs all day every day and I never get the chance to dress up. RenFaire gives me the chance to let loose, be someone else for a day, dress up, and forget the stress of my job. My husband and I absolutely love going together. It’s our favorite part of the summer! Thank you for the chance to win.
I would say my favorite thing about the RenFair is interacting with the staff and actors – I love to see how they can stay in character and you can tell they love doing it!
I have only been once and it was a blast. I love all the artisans and just the general atmosphere. My kids have never been because it is just never in our budget but I would love to take them so they could have the experience.
The Jousting 🙂
I love the people watching! Ok, and the shopping. And the food. And the shows. I love it all!
I love the costumes and shopping and my Dh loves the washing well wenches lol
I love RenFair! When my children were young it was an annual event. Now that they are grown I would love to take my Granddaughter. Winning v the tickets would allow me to do that.
I have lived in Colorado for 3 years and only learned of this festival last year. Needless to say, me and my family have never been but I would love to go. Being a single mommy can make attending these sort of things a little pricey but you want beat free tickets to attend… right? Pick me! Pick me! Pick me! Pick me! Please…
I e been fascinated by Renaissance Time my entire life and I have yet to attend a festival. Plus, I am getting married on the 10th, a medieval themed wedding, and we will be attending the Renaissance Festival For our honeymoon. Winning the tickets would be fun!
I’ve *
We LOVE the joust!
I have only been once, my favorite show there was puke and snot. I heard they stopped doing it though? I would love to go again and see what new offerings they have. I don’t remember much as it has been do long since I’ve gone. Winning tickets would be amazing since I am a poor college student.
Haven’t been to the festival since I was in college! I’d love to take my kids to experience the atmosphere, costumes and food!
up until they retired my favorite part of the festival was Puke and Snot 🙂
but, I REALLY love playing chess with a friar and walking amidst all the color and vibrancy!
My favorite things are the comedy show and the fire eater!!! Can’t wait to take my son to see it for the 1st time 🙂
Snot and puke
We’ve never been! You had me at Irish bands and cider. 🙂
Chicken legs and puke and snot! It’s all fun
Puke and Snot, shows, fried pickles! Want to take my daughter (4) and my niece (1) for the first time this year! My daughter will love it!
We haven’t been in ages, but we love the Ren Faire. It’s a great excuse for us to dress nerdy in public.
Haven’t been to CRF, but will definitely be watching Combat Jousting featuring the Knights, Squires and Horses in the Joust Arena at 11:30am, 2:30pm and 5:30pm.
My favorite part of the fair is watching all the people dressed up in character. My children love the fair. Watching the reactions to the characters and shows are my favorite part. We also always come fully dressed 😉
Love the shopping g! So many unique gifts and jewelry
Win or not, pretty sure we’re going to the Music and Dance weekend!
Turkey Legs are by far the best part! 🙂
I haven’t been since I was a teenager but I loved going then and i would love to go now. My favorite things: feeling like a gyspy, mysterious and hilarious characters, lady visa & master card, the pickle guy, puke & snot, riding the dragon, trying on costumes & jewelry, the joust and the wonderfully magical feel of the entire adventure.
I have never been to a Renaissance Festival. I am excited to see what it is all about!
My kids, my father and I drove up last summer all the way from Albuquerque and we had so much fun, even with 2 kids in a long round trip drive with no air conditioning, there wasn’t a single argument!! We had a blast and can’t wait to go again. 🙂
I love the Renaissance Festival. I love the costumes and the “royal” parade! I haven’t been for about 10 years, would love to go again!
We’ve never been to this one. We are planning on taking the kiss to their first big renaissance festival in Denver this year. We have some here in New Mexico, but they are small. My 6 year old daughter is especially excited to wear her renaissance dress I bought her this year. We can’t wait and will see you there either way!
(My profile pic is our renaissance outfits!)
We have been once, but haven’t been able to afford it since due to a layoff, then medical bills for 3 hospitalizations of our youngest daughter (she’s doing great now and bills almost paid off).
My daughter works the fair and has great stories, but we’ve never been and would love all the music and dress up.
I’ve never been, but have always wanted to! As nerdy as it sounds, I would love the history aspect of it. (and obviously the chicken legs!!)
To experience history firsthand!
The atmosphere including that it’s held in the woods and the elaborate costumes.
I love going to dress up and just be away from everything for a day. Pretend to be somebody else and see all the awesome shops and just how people are there is amazing. Also twig is awesome. I always try and find her. I have gone since i was little and i have loved every year of it.
Been in Colorado for 4 years have yet to make it to the fair.
21 years ago (yikes!) I bought a sterling silver toe ring there and have had it on since, so the festival hooks a place in my heart! I don’t have the income to do a lot of things for my sons, but I took them last year and they still say it was one of the best days of their life. I so want to share it with them again! ~Shere
Getting a henna tattoo with my daughter was our favorite time together at the Ren Faire.
I love going to the faire because it strangely connects me to my family back home in Texas. We would go every year and when I married, I didn’t see them for almost 5 years because we were stationed in Hawaii. Now, I live here in Colorado and I get to see so many familiar acts and vendors that makes me feel closer to home!
This has been on our family’s summer bucket list for years. Seeing big maginificent dresses in a fairy tale setting up close sounds so magical to me and my family!
This is an annual family favorite in my house. We love everything about the Colorado Ren Faire! From Turkey lets and artichokes to tea parties with the princesses and hennas tattoos.. it’s one event not a single family member has to be bribed into going (and sometimes they’ll dress up too!) – My favorite – cinnamon almonds and all the artisans.