Search results for “Fall Back Beer Festival”

Featured Festival Fall Back Beer Fest 2017 in Estes Park 3, Photo Credit Brewtography Project

There’s little need to find an excuse to travel, but a beer festival in a fantastic Colorado town is a good one. After all, what’s a more perfect way to celebrate fall than by drinking beer in Estes Park? This is a great fall town because it’s less busy in the autumn, the elk are plentiful and sweaters are extra comfy in Estes Park. Did I mention that beer tastes

Featured Festival Fall Back Beer Fest 2017 in Estes Park, Photo Credit Brewtography Project

I’ve attended this festival a number of times and it always makes my list of best mountain destination beer festivals. Find out why in today’s Featured Festival post. Location, Location, Location First, let’s talk about the location of Fall Back Beer Fest. Estes Park is a short drive from Denver, but oh so far away. When is the last time you saw an elk cross Larimer Street? On our last


Destination beer festivals are just plain fun, and that’s one thing that sets Fall Back Beer Fest apart. This event is an opportunity to drink good beer in the fantastic Town of Estes Park. The other thing that sets Fall Back Beer Fest apart is that it’s about more than drinking beer – this festival encourages attendees to learn about beer – the beer making process, hops, tasting and more.

Fall Back Beer Festival LOGO

Have you ever wondered what craft beer pairs best with candy corn? You can find out this Halloween at Fall Back Beer Fest in Estes Park, Colorado. The event falls on All Hallows’ Eve this year and therefore a Halloween candy/beer pairing is on the festival agenda. We attended Fall Back Beer Fest last year and we had a blast. In fact, it was one of two truly stand-out beer

Featured Festival: Fall Back Beer Fest, Estes Park

Think the beer festival season is over? Think again. Beer festivals have become a year round tradition here in Colorado and there’s a great one just around the corner. When I preview a beer event, I try to find something unique about the festival. After all, beer events are, on the whole, quite similar. You go, you taste beer, you chat up the brewers and taste more beer and that’s

End of Eras Craft Beer & My Youth. HeidiTown (17)

Earlier this fall I learned that Boundary Bay Brewing would permanently close in September 2025. This news hit me harder than any other brewery closure notice of late. Much harder.  Boundary Bay opened in Bellingham, Washington, in 1995. That’s the same year I graduated from high school in a town about 30 minutes south. After a bit of hopping around to various colleges, I ended up at Bellingham’s Western Washington

Don't be Bored This Winter Festivals Abound. HeidiTown

HeidiTown got its real start when it became all about festivals around 2010. This virtual town was around before then, but once I started concentrating on events and festivals, things took off and the town grew.  I thought I’d return to my roots and share a few upcoming festivals that should be on your radar. Being blessed to have attended a lot of events over the years, these are ones

Front Range Rally Heidi Kerr-Schlaefer, Mayor of HeidiTown

Reading article after article about the potential demise of the beer festival has got me thinking, and I have decided that it’s not all doom and gloom. Yes, the pandemic spelled the end of some beer festivals, but in the years before COVID arrived on the scene, there was already festival fatigue among brewers. I count myself lucky to have lived through the heyday of craft beer, having gone to

Why Pueblo, Colorado Beer & Steak. HeidiTown (6)

Here’s the truth. When we tell people we’re going to Pueblo, there is often a short look of confusion followed by the word why. That’s changing, especially among my friends who’ve been listening to me champion Pueblo for the past several years. Pueblo isn’t fancy and doesn’t end up on “best of” lists in trendy travel magazines. However, it is a town full of gems and, to use a cliche,

Downtown Beer Week, HeidiTown (101)

NOTE: This post will continually be updated as more Downtown Beer Week information is revealed. Keep checking in! Beer isn’t just a drink—it means a lot more to many of us—playing a big part in the story of our lives. For instance, during my college days, in the late 1990s, a lot of hours were spent with friends at Boundary Bay Brewing in Bellingham, Washington. As brewery lovers, Ryan and