
"Twilight" - Let the reading commence!

It turns out all my friends were already lending their copies out, so I had to purchase my own copy of “Twilight.” Today I bought a used edition so as not to add to the heavily lined pockets of Stephenie Meyer. Plus, I’m cheap and used books are as good as new, unless someone has blacked out all the words. Oddly, the bookseller had actually been to HeidiTown. It’s always

HeidiTown takes on "Twilight"

I first heard about the Twilight series several years ago on NPR, yes, National Public Radio. They were doing a report on the popularity of the series among thirty and forty-something women who were stealing the book from their daughters and reading it on the sly. I hadn’t heard of the series before the report, and didn’t hear about it again for months until several friends got hooked on the