
The Magic of Old Colorado Hotels. HeidiTown (1)

New and shiny is popular right now, especially in Colorado—new neighborhoods, new bars, restaurants, new cars, new hotels. However, I think Colorado’s old hotels have a sort of magic about them that simply doesn’t exist in new builds. Don’t get me wrong, I like new boutique hotels purpose-built in charming Front Range towns. However, do not discount the stories an old hotel can tell or the stories you’ll create there.

Downtown Durango, Colorado: The New, The Old, The Historic

I’ve always had a soft spot for Durango. As I wrote in my recent post about our April visit, this was a return to the town after five years. It was good to be back. Since I was there for HeidiTown Consulting at IN THE GAME, a conference by Downtown Colorado, Inc., I was busy hosting luncheons and presenting, but I still wanted to touch on some highlights downtown. We

Ska Brewing & Hot Springs in Durango, Colorado (9)

Five years had passed since we were last in Durango, and that’s a long time not to have visited one of my favorite Colorado towns. This month, it was for IN THE GAME, a conference by Downtown Colorado, Inc. I was hosting a Dine Around Session and speaking at the event, so this was a super professional trip for me. Ryan and Fritzi tagged along as it’s a seven-hour drive

Don't be Bored This Winter Festivals Abound. HeidiTown

HeidiTown got its real start when it became all about festivals around 2010. This virtual town was around before then, but once I started concentrating on events and festivals, things took off and the town grew.  I thought I’d return to my roots and share a few upcoming festivals that should be on your radar. Being blessed to have attended a lot of events over the years, these are ones

Spend St. Patrick’s Day in One of These Colorado Towns 1. HeidiTown

Updated 3-12-24 I want to start this post by telling you who it is not for. It is not for those with wee children looking for face painting and parade information. It’s also not for those who think green beer, whiskey shots, and a DJ make an excellent St. Patrick’s Day. To me, a good St. Patrick’s Day means old friends and new friends, a bar where talking to new

Let’s Go Ride Bikes 3 Easy Bike Paths in Colorado. Animas River Trail in Durango. HeidiTown 1

I’m not one of those gnarly bike riders who tackles rocky trails, downed trees and tall mountains. I will never take a selfie in logoed spandex. I prefer easy bike paths and preferably a destination, whether it be a brewery, farm shop or pretty little park.  So without further ado, I give you three easy bike paths in Western Colorado that provide not only a destination but multiple destinations along

Don't be Bored This Winter Festivals Abound. HeidiTown

Right now, I’m not traveling thanks to the pandemic, and I’ve been writing about various travel memories I have made on the road. Of course, anything involving animals is a bright spot, like feeding a baby yak in Crawford, watching the horse drive in Maybell, and cuddling lambs at The Living Farm.   Personally, I think dogs are the best beings on the planet. They are better than people and yes,

Don't be Bored This Winter Festivals Abound. HeidiTown

Updated: January 10, 2024 In 2019, we attended the 41st Snowdown, Durango, Colorado’s winter festival. To write that we had fun is an understatement. We lived it up from Human Foosball at Animas Brewing Co. to slopeside shenanigans at Purgatory Resort.  The 45th Snowdown runs from January 26 through February 4, and here’s why you should go.  Embrace the Theme This year, the festival theme is Peace, Love & Snowdown

Dining in Durango Pozole to Pho, It Never Gets Boring 8. HeidiTown.com

Some days I wish I were one of those svelte folks who treat food as fuel, but I probably wouldn’t be doing this job. If I were one of those people, I’d be climbing mountains in the Himalayas, but alas, I love food; the taste, the texture and the regional differences. So, therefore, I am not climbing mountains but I am covering festivals around the Rocky Mountain West and finding

Featured Festival San Juan Brewfest HeidiTown (4)

As most of my regular readers already know, beer festivals are a dime-a-dozen here in Colorado. So how does one decide which festival is worthy of their patronage? Check with me! Today I’m here to tell you that San Juan Brewfest (August 27) rocks, and here’s why. Durango rocks Durango’s cool factor is off the charts. It’s brew-factor is also off the charts. There are six breweries and two distillers in