Food Festival

Taste of Vail 2021, photo by Zach Mahone (used with permission)

If you haven’t visited Vail in the fall, it’s where summer and autumn collide in the most appealing way. Brightly colored flowers fill brimming flower boxes while pops of yellow appear on the mountain. Shadows of petals and bronze sculptures grow long as the town sashays towards ski season. Accentuated by bites of lamb, sips of wine and incredible scenery, the 2021 Taste of Vail may have been small, but

Bites of Lamb, Sips of Wine The Taste of Vail Goes On. HeidiTown (4)

Each year, I eagerly look forward to Taste of Vail. Unfortunately, the April 2020 event was cancelled and then, in 2021, it was postponed. A quieter event has emerged, and this September 16-18, guests will enjoy a combination of Taste of Fall, the Fall Food & Wine Classic, and Vail in the autumn. While the Taste of Vail has been scaled back, I am happy to announce that my favorite

Tasty Bites from Taste of Vail 2019 & My Thoughts on Greek Wine (10)

Taste of Vail is a whirlwind of wine and food. I ate so much that on Saturday night, after the Grand Tasting, I dreamed about eating food. This year I decided to highlight the best bites of Taste of Vail according to me. The only professionally judged portion of the event is The American Lamb Cook-off & Aprés Ski Tasting on Thursday and I will list the winners accordingly. This

Featured Festival BrüFrouFEST 2017, Denver, Colorado - HeidiTown - steak & dark beer

BrüFrouFEST was my husband’s favorite event of 2016, and that’s really saying something because we go to a lot of events. I loved it too. What’s not to love about food and drink pairings? And this is not your average “taste of” kind of event. BrüFrouFEST inspires chefs and brewers to take food and drink pairings to the next level — and they do. Last year, we wandered through the

Spend Christmas in Ouray, photo by Dan Navakowski

There are still 144 days until Christmas, so please don’t panic, however, it’s never too soon to plan holiday travel. And after this summer heatwave we’ve been experiencing, a cool down in the beautiful village of Ouray, Colorado sounds heavenly. Imagine spending a wintry weekend surrounded by snowy peaks in Ouray, Colorado. Snowshoe on a local trail, enjoy a delicious meal or cozy up with a warm whiskey drink at

Telluride Mushroom Festival photo by Michelle Ellis Photography 1

When people think of Colorado, food isn’t what immediately comes to most minds, but the state is brimming with delicious, fresh food during the summer. If you’d like to celebrate the bounty of Colorado, look no further than these foodie festivals taking place across the state over the next few months. Like strawberry shortcake? Strawberry ice cream? How about simple, fresh strawberries straight off the vine? Strawberry Days in Glenwood

Upslope at Front Range Rally

Coloradans have lots of choices when it comes to beer festivals. On any given summer weekend there are three or more beer festivals taking place across the state. So how do you make a choice about which beer festival deserves your hard earned money? That’s where I come in. I attend a lot of beer festivals and while some are struggling to remain relevant, other are thriving. Front Range Rally

Loveland Loves BBQ, Bands & Brews

Nothing feels as much like summer as a cold beer in one hand and a pulled pork sandwich in the other – welcome to Loveland Loves BBQ, Bands & Brews. This event always takes place on the second weekend in July. Through the years, this free event has grown to become one of Northern Colorado’s premiere summer festivals. On Friday morning, downtown Loveland starts to smell like delicious barbecued meat,

The 6th Annual Taste of Loveland

My husband and I attended this event last year and ate ourselves silly – it was so much fun! This event has not been well advertised. In fact, I’ve been watching their website for date information and it was only recently updated with the date of the event which is next Thursday, April 7, 2011. The Taste of Loveland is held at Embassy Suites and  features multiple restaurants from around