
Mines, Trolls, & a Dog-Friendly Airbnb in Victor, Colorado. HeidiTown (12)

For longtime followers of HeidiTown, this isn’t new information: Ryan and I like history. A lot. He tends to like the nuts and bolts while I like the overall story. That makes us a good team. Our love of history has inspired road trips to the Dust Bowl area and cattle trails that led us to Dodge City, Kansas, and McCook, Nebraska. Teller County was a good choice for exploration.

Speak Friend & Enter: Mine Tours in Georgetown, Colorado

The cat is out of the bag—I love Lord of The Rings, and when I think about a mine, I picture dwarfs, but mining is also a big piece of Colorado’s history. Over many years, thousands of people have come here to work in our mountain mines, seeking silver and gold. While in Georgetown, Colorado, we had the opportunity to visit two mines. Remember, Georgetown is just 45 minutes west

Phoenix Gold Mine Tour in Idaho Springs, Colorado. HeidiTown (2)

If you’d like to see an historic western mountain town, look no further than Idaho Springs, only 30 or so minutes west of Denver. Today, people come to town to soak at Indian Hot Springs, enjoy a beer at a local brewery and otherwise do touristy things. However, at one point, people flowed into Idaho Springs with hopes of striking it rich, or making a little money at a local

The Rush Casino & Hotel by HeidiTown

While in Cripple Creek I was incarcerated and lost some money, but I’d still go back. We arrived in Cripple Creek on a cloudy Friday afternoon. I had been invited to be a guest at the brand new Rush Casino, formerly the Gold Rush. The building had been shuttered for three years before the new owners bought it, renovated the place and opened in August 2012. I had never been sign

This week’s radio show on KRFC 88.9 FM covers a bunch of stuff including the new online Masters in Tourism Program at Colorado State University, the Hospitality, Events and Tourism program at Metropolitan State University, my upcoming weekend trip to Cripple Creek, Colorado, a review of my favorite post from this fall season and a little housekeeping. KRFC is asking for your help – if you are a listener, please

Dutch Oven

I write about festivals and events, I read about festivals and events, and I attend a lot of festivals and events, so at this point it takes a truly unique event to get me excited. This is one of those events. When I discovered the Georgetown Dutch Oven Cook-Off I was ecstatic for multiple reasons. First, I’d never heard of such an event, and second, I love food and last,

HeidiTown loves Georgetown, Colorado

  I can’t tell you how many times my husband Ryan and I have driven by Georgetown, Colorado. We had no idea  we were missing such a gem. Located along I70, just 45 minutes west of Denver, we first discovered Georgetown while driving back from a hiking trip this past August.   We stopped in to find some lunch and instead, found a vibrant, historic community. We lunched at The