No Man’s Land

Dust Bowl Road Trip A Flat Tire, New Tires & Popping Wheelies. HeidiTown (10)

We left Canyon Journeys and the Everett Ranch in the morning, bumping south over gravel roads towards Oklahoma. It was day two of our Dust Bowl Road Trip, and we were excited to explore. Learn the reasons why we did this road trip here. We stopped for a romp at Carrizo Canyon Picnic Area, just south of the ranch. The canyon is beautiful but watch out for poison ivy (Ryan

The Worst Hard Time Dust Bowl by Eagan

“Um, oh” has been the lackluster response of most people when we tell them we are going on a Dust Bowl Road Trip. The only person who has been extremely positive about it was the curator of Centennial Village Museum in Greeley. Leave it to a historian to get excited about a trip motivated by history. Part of the reason people have been so humdrum about this road trip is