travel dog

Mines, Trolls, & a Dog-Friendly Airbnb in Victor, Colorado. HeidiTown (12)

For longtime followers of HeidiTown, this isn’t new information: Ryan and I like history. A lot. He tends to like the nuts and bolts while I like the overall story. That makes us a good team. Our love of history has inspired road trips to the Dust Bowl area and cattle trails that led us to Dodge City, Kansas, and McCook, Nebraska. Teller County was a good choice for exploration.

Celebrate Al Fresco in Downtown Laramie, Wyoming

This summer, festivals have been canceled, we aren’t allowed to sit at bars, we need to mask up when in crowded public spaces, and we must try to social distance ourselves from strangers at all times. It’s been uncomfortable and anything but normal. However, if you’d like a little festivity this summer, that’s also safe, head to Laramie, Wyoming. I am always impressed with this college town. It has chill

Why to Bring the Dog to Snow Mountain Ranch, Colorado. HeidiTown (1)

This YMCA property, Snow Mountain Ranch, holds a special place in our hearts. Not only is it truly beautiful, our dog Xena was there twice. She loved staying at Yurt Village and the cabin life suited her well. In fact, she was the quintessential Colorado mountain dog that spent her earlier years camping and hiking, so this place was luxurious. We lost her two years ago and this time around,

Beyond Colorado 12 Years of HeidiTown. (5)

I feel like I’m writing one of these every day. I think it is because time is moving so fast.  I’ve been the Mayor of HeidiTown for 12 years, yes, I started the blog in 2007, and wow, that feels like a long time ago. I don’t think I even know exactly what a blog was in the mid-2000s.  This year has had its challenges. The main one being that

Meet Fritzi, the German Shepherd Colorado Dog & Head of Security

We did it. We got a puppy. Because we are crazy. Seriously, I like to say the Universe makes puppies cute so that we don’t kill them. It’s probably not a politically correct thing to say but let’s face it, it’s true. It’s been 16 years since I’ve had a puppy. Xena, HeidiTown’s first Head of Security, passed away on August 24, 2018, at the ripe old age of 15