5 Reasons to go to a Keystone Festival this Summer. HeidiTown Wine & Jazz crowd shot

We have been attending a Keystone Festival every summer since 2014, so I know a thing or two about these events. The 1st reason to attend one of the events is that they are FREE. That’s right, anyone can walk through the village during the four ticketed festivals to enjoy live music and the festive ambiance. A key to Keystone Festivals is that it’s “choose your adventure” when it comes

Ska Brewing & Hot Springs in Durango, Colorado (9)

Five years had passed since we were last in Durango, and that’s a long time not to have visited one of my favorite Colorado towns. This month, it was for IN THE GAME, a conference by Downtown Colorado, Inc. I was hosting a Dine Around Session and speaking at the event, so this was a super professional trip for me. Ryan and Fritzi tagged along as it’s a seven-hour drive

The Prettiest Drive in Colorado Denver to Durango. HeidiTown

For more than twenty years, we had a family cabin outside of Fairplay and some months, we’d go up twice. So, I have driven Highway 285 many times. However, that cabin has been sold for several years, and I am not visiting Southwest Colorado nearly as much as I used to. Therefore, when we drove Hwy 285 on the way to Durango earlier this month, I’d forgotten how lovely this

Affordable Snowmass Yes, You Can HeidiTown (10)

This was our third trip to Snowmass, and I have finally discovered that Snowmass is Aspen. Yep, Snowmass does not have its own address. It is a part of Aspen. Now that I know, the restaurant prices make more sense. I hadn’t noticed extraordinarily high prices here before inflation, but now they are a little painful. However, on this visit, we found a few ways to make Snowmass an affordable

Nostalgia & Education Orcas at the Denver Museum of Science & Nature HeidiTown

It’s been years since I’ve written about the Denver Museum of Nature & Science. Seven years, to be exact. When we lived in the Denver area, we had a membership. We don’t often get there these days. However, when I got a media invite to the new Orcas exhibit, I needed to go. I am one of those lucky people who grew up with orca sightings and orca-inspired Native American

La Veta, Colorado

As a speaker, I talk a lot about town assets, and I’m referring to those things that you take for granted because it’s part of the everyday scenery. For example, I feel that many Coloradans take sunshine for granted.  I grew up in the Pacific Northwest where it was rainy a lot of the time. The sun that shines through my bedroom window nearly every morning is something I never

Featured image kearney nebraska

While HeidiTown Consulting continues to grow, I want to make it crystal clear that HeidiTown.com is still the place to come for road trips and festival stories. However, I’ve gone way too long without posting. I’ve been busy being stuck in Kearney, Nebraska, and if I were a better human, I would have written a post on my “stuck” day, but I’m not. Instead, I spent my time frantically texting

Luna Theatre, Clayton, New Mexico, HeidiTown

There is one feature of many downtowns that always gets my attention and that is the old movie theatre (or theater). You know what I’m talking about. It is sometimes that boarded-up vintage building with a dirty, marque that reads: “For Sale.” Sadly. this is something I’ve witnessed during my travels. However, I’m seeing more and more theatres that are open, and some showing first-run movies. Several springs ago, on

Two Nights & More Tacos in Tempe, Arizona. HeidiTown (1)

This wasn’t a road trip. Occasionally, I get on a plane, and when I do, I usually write about it.  My college years are a time I remember fondly. Partly, because I was really, quite good at college, all of it, from the academics to the parties. As we walked around Arizona State University in Tempe last week, I realized I’d need a Stanley Cup, huge headphones, and probably a

A Small Town Worth Visiting in Colorado: Meeker

I’m going to write a series of “small town articles.” I won’t be highlighting the usual Colorado towns that appear on all the “hot” Rocky Mountain town lists. While I love those too, for good reasons, these are the kind of small towns that do not come with built-in nightlife. These are types of communities where the nightlife consists of a knitting club gathering at the local brewery. I have