Search results for “durango”

zip line

Now that the kids are going back to school it feels like summer is officially coming to an end, but we still have nearly a month of summer left. The first day of fall is September 22, 2012. Here are three things you might want to do before summer is over. Chautauqua Summer Concert Series – Through September 21, in Boulder, Colorado This is the 114th season of this concert

Gondola in Telluride

Colorado is now home to the most challenging cycling race in the United States, the US Pro Cycling Challenge. The race is 683 miles, attracts world class cyclists and winds its way through some of Colorado’s most charming towns. There are 126 riders in the race from 24 countries including Boulder, Colorado’s own Taylor Phinney, who secured two fourth place finishes at the London, Olympics. The US Pro Challenge gets

Ryan & Heidi 1

It’s time for another segment on KRFC 88.9 FM, and this weekend is full of Colorado festivals you won’t want to miss. In fact, you may want to clone yourself – and if you figure out how to do that, please share, because I am in desperate need of a clone or two this summer! If you’d rather listen to the audio from my radio show, just click HERE, but

ice bike racing evergreen winter festival

It’s another upside down week here in This post usually goes up on Thursday, but again, a writing conflict is interfering with the Tuesday post, so I’m posting this early. The following is my weekly segment on KRFC 88.9 FM. Listen to the audio –> HERE, or read the following transcript of the show. Hi, my name is Heidi, and I’m the Mayor of, a blog about events,

Avenue Q at Midtown Arts Center

It’s an upside down week here at The transcripts from my radio segment on KRFC 88.9 FM, usually get posted on Thursdays, but due to a writing scheduling conflict this week, I’m switching things up. On Thursday, I will post my review of Cole Porter’s “Anything Goes,” now playing at the Candlelight Dinner Playhouse. Listen to the audio of the follow transcript –>  HERE. Hi, my name is Heidi


The following is the transcript and audio from’s weekly segment on KRFC 88.9 FM. Listen to the audio –> HERE. Hi, my name is Heidi, and I’m the Mayor of, a blog about Colorado events, festivals and road trips. If you are anything like me, this is the time of year where I get a little down. Thankfully, the sun seems to always shine in Colorado, so that

boy on sled

The following is the HeidiTown weekly segment on KRFC 88.9 FM, public radio in Fort Collins, Colorado. Listen to the audio —> HERE Hi, my name is Heidi, and I’m the Mayor of, a blog about Colorado events, festivals and road trips. I have become the expert on Colorado travel, so be sure you are hooked up with me in the world of Social Media. The town is especially

Skijoring, Steamboat Spring

After the holidays, things slow down”¦ especially along the Front Range of Colorado, but there’s still tons of fun to be had, especially in the mountains. It seems that every mountain town and ski resort has a festival during the winter months. This is not a top 5 list because quite frankly I’m not sure how I would narrow it down to a top five; each town has a unique

christmas gift red bow

Last year I compiled a wonderful list of Christmas presents, and many of them weren’t actual things, but rather they were experience – the gift of theater, the gift of music, and the gift of travel. See all of last year’s recommendations here. Because events, festivals, and travel are my areas of expertise, I’m staying with this theme of giving an experience rather than a thing for my Top 5