"Eagle Eye" – Two bad actors for the price of one
Read my review of “Eagle Eye.” You know you want to.
Read my review of “Eagle Eye.” You know you want to.
As a fan of the original series, I want to believe. Read my review of the “X-Files” flick HERE.
Read reviews of the DVDs I’m watching here. List of “What I’m Watching on DVD” located on Movie Review page. Newest review: Blade Runner, the Final Cut
The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell The first few chapters of The Sparrow were confusing and in turn, boring because I couldn’t figure out what was going on. I would have put another book down, but my husband and several friends had read this book and liked it, so I stuck with it. The Sparrow takes the reader on several journeys; a journey to the future and a journey to
Arthur C. Clarke died yesterday at the age of 90. “Sometimes I’m asked how I would liked to be remembered,” he had said in a recent interview. “I have had a diverse career as a writer, underwater explorer and space promoter. Of all these things I would like to be remembered as a writer.” At his 90th birthday party, held this past December, Clarke had three wishes: for Sri