
I'm Your Huckleberry, A Cattle Drive Road Trip: Dodge City Yeehaw

Tacos, Wrong Turns & Cattle Truck Backups Part 1: We started our Cattle Drive Road Trip on a Thursday morning. If you missed my post on why this road trip happened, read this. We set out with beef jerky, taco-flavored sunflower seeds, Fritzi the dog, and high hopes. Kansas was going to be the tenth state Fritzi had visited and she was very excited. Just kidding. She only cares about

I’m Your Huckleberry, A Cattle Drive Road Trip: The Reason Why

This May, for our anniversary, we took one of our literary-inspired road trips. This one has been on our minds since our Dust Bowl Road Trip in April 2022. That trip was motivated by the two of us reading books about the Dust Bowl like Timothy Egan’s “The Worst Hard Time.” By the time we took that trip, Ryan had begun listening to “Lonesome Dove” on Audible. From our hike

The Prettiest Drive in Colorado Denver to Durango. HeidiTown

For more than twenty years, we had a family cabin outside of Fairplay and some months, we’d go up twice. So, I have driven Highway 285 many times. However, that cabin has been sold for several years, and I am not visiting Southwest Colorado nearly as much as I used to. Therefore, when we drove Hwy 285 on the way to Durango earlier this month, I’d forgotten how lovely this

Affordable Snowmass Yes, You Can HeidiTown (10)

This was our third trip to Snowmass, and I have finally discovered that Snowmass is Aspen. Yep, Snowmass does not have its own address. It is a part of Aspen. Now that I know, the restaurant prices make more sense. I hadn’t noticed extraordinarily high prices here before inflation, but now they are a little painful. However, on this visit, we found a few ways to make Snowmass an affordable

Two Nights & More Tacos in Tempe, Arizona. HeidiTown (1)

This wasn’t a road trip. Occasionally, I get on a plane, and when I do, I usually write about it.  My college years are a time I remember fondly. Partly, because I was really, quite good at college, all of it, from the academics to the parties. As we walked around Arizona State University in Tempe last week, I realized I’d need a Stanley Cup, huge headphones, and probably a

The Themed Road Trip: A Fun Way to Travel

A festival or event is a great reason to road trip, and I still do it, albeit less often these days. So, what gets us on the road? For some, it’s a visit to see family, but for many of us, we need a raison d’être or, in this case, a raison de faire un road trip! Ryan and I have been exploring themed travel (beyond festivals) for the last

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina Seafood, Swings & Ocean Sounds. HeidiTown (7)

I am aware that this is a blog about road trips. However, I am a writer, and the few times I actually ride in planes, a story about the trip ends up on HeidiTown, even if I wasn’t planning an article. It just happens. After all, I am the Mayor everywhere, and this trip was no exception. When my friend Sharon texted me and asked if I wanted to go

A Northern New Mexico Road Trip The Rest of the Story. HeidiTown (6)

We did a lot in Northern New Mexico, but only scratched the surface. Here are a few of the excursions that didn’t fit into any of the previous posts about the trip. One morning, after eating breakfast at our Airbnb, we took a drive. We drove from Dixon to Taos on Hwy 68 and then took State Road 518 to Peñasco, part of which is referred to as the High

Light up the Holidays Green Chile & Hockey in Loveland, Colorado. HeidiTown (header)

Most longtime citizens of HeidiTown know that I live in Loveland, Colorado. We moved here in 2003 from Denver, and have seen the area undergo a lot of changes. One of the best things that has happened to this region’s holiday season is Loveland Wonder Winterlights. This extravaganza makes this city one of the finest when it comes to holiday happenings, and worth a visit to Loveland. Located at Chapungu

15 Years of HeidiTown (1)

Life before 2020 is still a little blurry, but thanks to Linkedin anniversary reminders, I know that HeidiTown turned 15 this month. A lot has changed in 15 years. The face of travel and the festival industry has transformed significantly, especially over the last couple of years. I’ve witnessed a lot, and while Colorado has been on a continual upswing when it comes to festivals and travel, a World Wide