“Twilight” – Let the reading commence!


It turns out all my friends were already lending their copies out, so I had to purchase my own copy of “Twilight.” Today I bought a used edition so as not to add to the heavily lined pockets of Stephenie Meyer. Plus, I’m cheap and used books are as good as new, unless someone has blacked out all the words.

Oddly, the bookseller had actually been to HeidiTown. It’s always nice to run into  a stranger  who has  actually visited  of HeidiTown (actually, this was the first time I’d actually ran into  a perfect  stranger  who had read  HeidiTown, so I am stoked).

The bookseller was intrigued by my plan to read and review this book, because her daughter is a huge fan of vampires, but did not like this book. I’m hoping her daughter will check in during this process and  share her feelings on this issue.

To my joy, I discovered my copy of “Twilight“ looks almost new and instead of the  hands and  apple cover, it’s a movie edition cover with an “Exclusive Poster Inside.” And guess what? The poster is still there – bonus!  I’m already planning to use the poster as a gift for a dear friend who shall remain nameless.

Let the reading commence!

1 Comment

  1. I think you should hang the poster on your wall for inspiration. 🙂


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