Synopsis: Bella jumped off a cliff. Yes! But unfortunately, Jacob saves her. Also unfortunately, Alice sees it and thinks Bella has died. Alice tells Rosalie who then informs Edward, who has banished himself to South America.
Alice decides to make a trip back to Forks in order to check on Bella, only to find her alive. But Edward has made a horrible decision. Like Romeo, he cannot live without his Juliet and thinking Bella dead he has decided to kill himself, or rather, get killed.
Edward travels to Rome to piss off the Volturi (the heads of the Vampire nation). He figures if he pisses them off enough they will kill him. Alice and Bella decide they must go to Italy. Edward must see Bella in order to know she is alive.
Alice and Bella travel to Italy and get there just in the nick of time. Bella and Edward are reunited, Bella is almost killed by the Volturi, but isn’t (damn) and then Bella further breaks Jacobs heart. It’s all very dramatic.
Bella, get a life!
So despite Bella’s incessant whining about everything from missing Edward to wanting to become a vampire, this book was more exciting than the first – especially the second half. It’s brimming with thrills, however, it’s hard to get caught up in the drama when the main character is so annoying.
Bella needs to get a life. The girl seems to have absolutely no aspirations other than being with Edward. I mean, didn’t she have any aspirations before she met the smoldering, beautiful Edward? College, a career, anything? The character of Bella is so lacking in any motivation it’s appalling.
Now I am going to make a few of you uncomfortable, but I truly wonder, is this Meyer’s Mormonism showing through in her character development? After all, Mormon women aren’t encouraged to have goals and careers. The goal laid out for them by their religion is marriage (and children). I have to question if Bella’s lack of any life plan outside of Edward is a reflection of Meyer’s faith. I don’t think Meyer’s is intentionally developing the character of Bella with her own religious leanings in mind, but I do think it is subconsciously coming through.
The other issue I have with “New Moon,” are the obvious set ups. Lots of stuff happens in this book “just in the nick of time.” As I read, I could actually see Stephenie Meyer laying out the plot. Instead of letting the plot play out, Meyer tweaks the story in order to get to where she is so obviously going. I realize every author must play this game, but in “New Moon“ it’s so amateur.
Again, I must reiterate what I wrote about “Twilight.” Despite the flaws, Meyer has done something right. I can’t find a specific amount, but we know the “Twilight“ series book sales have been in the multi-millions. The film made nearly $400,000,000 worldwide.
So my perceived problems with Meyer’s series are mostly irrelevant in the big scheme of things, because Meyer is laughing all the way to the bank.
I missed the first two reviews for some reasons although I was checking in regularly. Sorry. Good synopsis, excellent use of sarcasm and amusing vocabulary analysis.
PS – I won’t be actually sitting NEXT to you at the theater next week, missy.
I think I’d like the series a lot better if Bella wasn’t so annoying. It’s so hard for me to get into a book when I don’t like or relate to the main character.
I’ve never had a vampire boyfriend or werewolf boy toy. And at 18, I was all about my future career as a kick-ass lawyer (we all know how that turned out). 🙂