Festivals • Travel • The West

Cheyenne Frontier Days: That’s WY
Cheyenne Frontier Days: That’s WY

July 22, 2024

I’m Your Huckleberry, A Cattle Drive Road Trip: Steak in Nebraska
I’m Your Huckleberry, A Cattle Drive Road Trip: Steak in Nebraska

July 18, 2024

Casa Bonita: Nostalgia Satisfied, But Can it Survive?
Casa Bonita: Nostalgia Satisfied, But Can it Survive?

July 8, 2024

Sheila of Growing Small Town Nebraska: Why Listen & Why Go
Sheila of Growing Small Town Nebraska: Why Listen & Why Go

July 1, 2024

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From the Blog

Heidi of the Rockies

Heidi of the Rockies

I need to quit promising reviews here and just start getting them done! After a great weekend partying in Steamboat Springs (thanks to Ben & Kiki for a good time), I’m back at it! I have just written a movie ... [ Read More ]
Busy Week

Busy Week

We have had a tremendously busy week and I haven’t gotten around to writing my reviews yet.   We did manage to squeeze in a movie this week (Into the Wild) which just happens to be a favorite book of ... [ Read More ]
Books, Movies, Uncategorized

Book Review: The Age of Innocence & A Room with a View

Dust off those classics ~ they deserve another chance   In this fast pace world of cell phone, Ipods and virus videos it is easy to forget about classics.   You know the classics; those books collecting dust on your ... [ Read More ]
We're Back!

We're Back!

We had a great time in Houston. Thank you  to Dean & Lindsay for their hospitality.     They were expert tour  guides of the city.   We visited museums, NASA and Galveston – managed to pack a lot into ... [ Read More ]
Fall in  Colorado

October 17, 2007

Fall in Colorado I took this photo yesterday on my daily walk.   I was going to use it as my new header photo, but can’t bring myself to get rid of the gorgeous mountain photo.   I am going ... [ Read More ]
Two New Reviews
Dining, Movies

Two New Reviews

GO ROCKIES!!      What a great day to be a Colorado Rockies fan! I   have posted two new reviews under Restaurant Reviews  and Movie Reviews. Please feel free to leave me comments!! ... [ Read More ]
Weekend in Leadville
Dining, Travel

Weekend in Leadville

Ryan and I spent a great weekend in Leadville, Colorado.     The highest town in the USA (10,000 feet above sea level).   We woke on Sunday morning to six inches of snow.   See Photos: Leadville,  Colorado, photo ... [ Read More ]
Water for Elephants by Sara  Gruen
Books, Uncategorized

Book Review: Water for Elephants

 by Sara Gruen This book was recommended to me over a year ago by Stephanie Stauder, friend and owner of Anthology Book Co. (www.anthologybookcompany.com).   I finally got around to reading it this past weekend.   Yes, I did ... [ Read More ]
Restaurant Reviews: Heidi of the Rockies

Restaurant Reviews: Heidi of the Rockies

Restaurant Reviews « Heidi of the Rockies I have added a new page.   Check it out! The first review is of The Med, in Boulder ... [ Read More ]
Happy Birthday to Me!!

Happy Birthday to Me!!

Yes, it’s my birthday. I’m turning 28.   Okay, it’s actually 29, but who’s counting? ... [ Read More ]