HeidiTown Radio Archives

Avenue Q at Midtown Arts Center

It’s an upside down week here at HeidiTown.com. The transcripts from my radio segment on KRFC 88.9 FM, usually get posted on Thursdays, but due to a writing scheduling conflict this week, I’m switching things up. On Thursday, I will post my review of Cole Porter’s “Anything Goes,” now playing at the Candlelight Dinner Playhouse. Listen to the audio of the follow transcript –>  HERE. Hi, my name is Heidi


The following is the transcript and audio from HeidiTown.com’s weekly segment on KRFC 88.9 FM. Listen to the audio –> HERE. Hi, my name is Heidi, and I’m the Mayor of HeidiTown.com, a blog about Colorado events, festivals and road trips. If you are anything like me, this is the time of year where I get a little down. Thankfully, the sun seems to always shine in Colorado, so that

boy on sled

The following is the HeidiTown weekly segment on KRFC 88.9 FM, public radio in Fort Collins, Colorado. Listen to the audio —> HERE Hi, my name is Heidi, and I’m the Mayor of HeidiTown.com, a blog about Colorado events, festivals and road trips. I have become the expert on Colorado travel, so be sure you are hooked up with me in the world of Social Media. The town is especially

Postage stamp

The following is the transcript from HeidiTown’s weekly radio segment on  KRFC 88.9 FM  in Fort Collins, Colorado.  Covering the weekend of January 6-8, 2012. Listen to the audio —>  HERE. Hi, my name is Heidi and I’m the mayor of HeidiTown.com, a blog about events, festivals and road trips around Colorado. It’s looking like January is a rather quiet month in Northern Colorado, so if you know of an

HeidiTown on KRFC 88.9 FM - What to do in Colorado this New Year's Eve weekend

The following is the transcript from HeidiTown’s weekly radio segment on KRFC 88.9 FM in Fort Collins, Colorado. Listen to the audible of this radio show HERE! My name is Heidi, and I’m the Mayor of HeidiTown.com, a blog about events, festivals and road trips in Colorado. This weekend is New Year’s Eve”¦ so that means parties galore. Since most of you are listening are in the Northern Colorado area,

HeidiTown on KRFC 88.9 FM - A Colorado Christmas Weekend

Here is the transcript from my radio segment for KRFC 88.9 FM for this upcoming Christmas weekend 2011. Unfortunately, I’m still fixing issues with the blog and can’t upload photos or audio or anything else for that matter. Very, very frustrating, but I’m hoping to have it fixed by next week’s posts.  Merry Christmas! Hi, my name is Heidi and I’m the Mayor of HeidiTown.com, a blog about events, festivals

bald eagle

HeidiTown.com’s KRFC 88.9 FM radio segment for the weekend of December 16-18, 2011. Click here –> LISTEN TO AUDIO Hi, my name is Heidi and I’m the Mayor of HeidiTown.com, a blog about events, festivals and road trips around Colorado. Remember, HeidiTown is not a calendar of events, but rather stuff the Mayor likes! And one thing I like? Birds. Yes, I’m an amateur birder so this event caught my

Starry Knight Loveland Snow Sculpture

As most of you know, I have a weekly radio segment on KRFC 88.9 FM in Fort Collins, Colorado.  Starting this week,  I am no longer creating YouTube videos of the segments, and instead I will be updating the blog each Thursday with the transcript from the radio show. I am also including a link to the audio for those who would like to listen! Click here –>  LISTEN TO

HeidiTown.com on KRFC 88.9 FM - What to do this weekend in Colorado

It’s almost here… another great Colorado weekend.  Here’s the line up for December 2-4, 2011. NOTE TO READERS: I’ve decided that these videos aren’t getting enough views to justify the amount of work I put into them. Plus, the info on the videos is only good for a limited amount of time (until the weekend is over).  Therefore, from now on, every Thursday, I will put up the transcript of

HeidiTown on KRFC 88.9 FM - What to do in Colorado this weekend

What’s happening in Colorado the weekend of November 25-27, 2011… Here’s my HeidiTown segment on KRFC 88.9 FM in Fort Collins, Colorado.   I can’t believe I’ve already been on the radio now for sixteen weeks! If you are looking for ways to keep the out-of-towners entertained after Turkey Day, I’ve got several suggestions for you.  From the  Denver Christkindl Market to tree lighting ceremonies and parades, it’s time to