
Downtown Littleton, Colorado lit up for Christmas

There’s so much going on at this time of year it’s impossible to cover it all. The best calendar of events for the State of Colorado is at the Denver Post online. They offer a comprehensive list of events that you can browse several different ways, including by type of event and date. Today I’m going to share with you a few of my favorite Christmas events around Colorado. Denver

Come out to the annual Winter Walk in Loveland, Colorado

Lit up with holiday lights, downtowns across the country are charming places to shop and dine. As we head into the holiday season, I want to encourage all my readers to shop local. Shopping locally not only supports your town, but you may discover some real gems right under your nose. Loveland, Colorado has a charming downtown with a variety of shopping and dining options. My favorite is Merchant Voyage

What to do & where to do it Nov. 20-27, 2010, in Colorado

“˜Tis the season for holiday events and festivals, so I’ve decided to look ahead at the next several weeks and share with my readers the events I’ve discovered. I have no doubt I’ve missed many, so feel free to add your town’s event in the comment section. Please note, in today’s post I’m only writing about November 20 thru November 27. Fort Collins, CO – Santa Arrives & the Old

HeidiTown Gifting Guide

Last year, we realized my parents were still going to Blockbuster for their movies. I had been telling them about Netflix for years, but they just weren’t interested in trying it out. In part because it is an online subscription, and that was a little intimidating for them. So we decided to get my parents a three-month subscription to Netflix as a Christmas present, and since we were visiting them

Shop Local: The Mayor does a little shopping in downtown Loveland

I am going to come clean. I am not much of a shopper. In fact, I rarely shop unless it is a necessity. So when Christmas comes around, I enjoy shopping in historic downtowns, because the stores  are locally owned,  and they are entertaining. Downtown retail business owners have to be creative in order to compete with the strip malls and mega stores, and they often line their shelves with

Bah humbug on celebrating Christmas before it "˜tis the season

There are over fifty-two days until Christmas, yet you’d think it was right around the corner. With Christmas music flooding department stores and “A Christmas Carol” opening in theaters this weekend, it’s all just a little too much to take. “A Christmas Carol” is one of my husband’s favorite stories, and we’ve been looking forward to Jim Carrey’s onscreen version. However, we refuse to see it this early in the

My favorite Christmas movies

I think a lot of Christmas movies are corny.   I avoid any “Made of Television – Hallmark”  holiday movie.  However, there are a few Christmas movies I watch every year, and some I don’t watch annually, but are still on  my favorites list. “A Christmas Story” (1983) – I’ve been watching this movie every Christmas for years now,  and it’s easily my all-time favorite Christmas movie. Set in the