Star Trek – is it worth it???
The newest “Star Trek” movie may help the franchise live long and prosper… continue reading this Movie Review.
The newest “Star Trek” movie may help the franchise live long and prosper… continue reading this Movie Review.
My father was a fan of the original “Star Trek” series, and introduced my brother and me to Captain Kirk and Spock when we were still wee children. But it wasn’t the original series that held my unswerving attention. As an adolescent I was a huge fan of “Star Trek: The Next Generation.” I’ve seen every episode at least twice and in an admission of my inner-geek, I
I must admit, I was a childhood fan of the “X-Men” television cartoon, and I have enjoyed the three previous “X-Men” movies. If you are unaware of the “X-Men,” it was a superhero team comprised of mutants, first appearing in a Marvel comic named… read the rest of this review.
Am I the only person not excited about this season’s “Heroes?” I recorded last night’s season opener and just watched it. I loved this show during the first season. The second season was okay, and now it looks like all the characters are going to switch sides – the good guys/gals become the villains and the villains become good guys/gals. Quite frankly, I just don’t care any more. The storyline