
"The Day the Earth Stood Still"

Rated PG13 Directed by Scott Derrickson Starring Keanu Reeves, Jennifer Connelly, Kathy Bates, Jon Hamm, Jaden Christopher Smith Heidi’s Illustrious Rating: 1 Word of Warning: Run, don’t walk away from the theater.   This movie represents a modern day twist on the original “The Day the Earth Stood Still” (1951). In the first version, an alien visits earth to warn the humans about their impending doom if they cannot abandon

Movie Review of "Australia" - Where's the real beef?

Rated PG13 Directed by Baz Lurhmann Starring Nicole Kidman, Hugh Jackman, David Wenham, Bryan Brown, Jack Thompson Heidi’s Illustrious Rating: 2.5 Word of Warning: This is a really long movie and it feels really long.   “Australia” is a big movie, about a big country, with a big history. It strives to be a love story, an historical drama, a war movie, an epic – unfortunately, these attempts at grandeur