
HeidiTown Year in Review

How is it nearly 2024? Shouldn’t we have flying cars by now? As a kid who grew up on The Jetsons and Back to the Future, the lack of flying vehicles is disappointing. We do have cars that drive themselves (sort of), although that is not as exciting. We do carry small computers on our person at all times that we humorously call “phones,” but they do not transport us to

Happy 14-Years HeidiTown

So, it looks like I forgot the HeidiTown anniversary last year. It’s not surprising. I think many of us are trying to forget 2020 altogether. Like a hotel without a floor 13 listed in the elevator, we’re just going straight to 14. In many ways, it’s hard to believe I have been on this journey for 14 years. I started this little town just months after Twitter and Facebook went