Win a pair of tickets to the Oscar Party at the Kress

Oscar party at the Kress outside pic
All photos by Matthew Gale of @NominationStation.

If you’ve been around HeidiTown for more than a couple years, you’ll remember that I used to write movie reviews here, and I’m a bit of a film buff. I absolutely LOVE the Oscars. I am one of “those people,” and I start watching as soon as the red carpet is rolled out and the limos start arriving.

Last year, I ran a similar contest here, and the winners documented their fantastic night at the Kress Oscar Party through the photographs I’m using for this post. This year, I expect to have a fabulous time at this event and here’s your chance to join me.

The Kress Cinema & Lounge in Greeley is holding their annual Oscar Party on Sunday, February 26, with doors opening at 5:30 p.m. The evening includes a red carpet entry, appetizer buffet, Oscar ballot (cash prize) and the 84th Academy Awards live on the big screen and in the Kress’ lounges.

appetizer buffet at Kress Oscar PartyGuests are encouraged to wear their best Oscar attire. I’m thinking of wearing something by Victoria Beckham, I hear her couture is going to be big this year. ย I’m kidding, of course. This Mayor gig doesn’t pay that well!

Tickets to this event are $20/each, but this is your chance to be a VIP (with ME) at this glamour affair. ย You don’t have to attend alongside me or anything like that, but I will be there so I’m hoping that we can at least shake hands for the cameras.

Watching the Main Event at the Kress Oscar Party

Just tell me your pick for Best Picture 2012, and you’ll be entered to win a pair of tickets to this event courtesy of Kress Cinema & Lounge.

The nominees for Best Picture are Hugo, Midnight in Paris, Moneyball, The Tree of Life, War Horse, The Artist, The Descendants, Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close and The Help.

If you haven’t seen any of these films yet – shame on you – just tell me your favorite film of this past year.

A winner will be chosen at random this Saturday, February 18 at approximately 2 p.m.

Good luck! ย I hope to see you on the red carpet!



  1. Oooh, sounds fun. Bout time i rubbed shoulders with society. Always wanted to have Ryan Seacrest interview me. Hugo for the win!


    1. Not sure Ryan Seacrest will be there… he might be on that “other” red carpet. But I can make some calls. Talk to some people. ๐Ÿ™‚


  2. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 – Is there no justice?!


  3. I am pulling for The Artist – it was a well-done nod to movies and people who love them. The cinematography was not perfect like King’s Speech from last year, but it made a movie fun for me which has not happened in a long time.


    1. I feel guilty for admitting this, but we haven’t seen The Artist yet. I have a feeling that I will love it.


  4. My vote is for “The Artist.” The film was well done and an original idea. It already has a Golden Globe win which is usually a great sign for the Oscars! Thanks Heiditown!


    1. The critics are with you, Robyn. I think most of them are going with The Artist. Sadly, I have yet to see it. Usually we try to see all the Best Picture nominees, but it gets difficult when there are so many of them now.


  5. What’s sad is that I haven’t seen more of the nominated films (yet). Most of those I end up seeing after the Oscars are over. I did see Moneyball with Brad Pitt but didn’t think that one was worthy of best picture. If I had to guess, I’d predict that Hugo would win this just for the director alone.


    1. I agree with you about Moneyball. I enjoyed it, but it shouldn’t even be nominated. I hate that they nominate so many films now. It’s all about putting more money in the already deep pockets of Hollywood.


  6. I think The Artist will win because it is different.
    Not necessarily my choice, but I think the Academy will choose it.


  7. Hugo looks so rich and complex visually, think they’ll pick that.


  8. I think it will be The Artist! I haven’t seen it yet, but I hear from everyone that it is a great movie. I saw Hugo, and it was good. But… I don’t think it should win. ๐Ÿ™‚


    1. Did you see Hugo in 3D??? Because I think the 3D is what makes that movie. It’s all about ambiance.


      1. I didn’t see it in 3D… I hate paying that much per ticket, times 4 people! So I rarely spring for 3D. ๐Ÿ™‚


    2. Karen,
      You are the winner. I have emailed you, but wanted to comment here too in case you signed up for alerts. Congrats!

      The Mayor ๐Ÿ™‚


  9. Hugo 3D definitely was my fave of the ones I’ve seen.


    1. I really did love Midnight in Paris. I’m not sure when up against The Artist and Hugo it makes the Best Picture grade, but I was pleasantly surprised by it. It really, really, really made me want to run away to Paris, but then who would be Mayor of HeidiTown? ๐Ÿ˜‰


  10. Slight bias here. My nephew plays with the band that did the music for the historical scenes! Ann


  11. I will hang my head in shame….haven’t seen any of the nominees. I did enjoy Harry Potter tho. And I Netflix’d Billy Elliot about a million years late and liked it too.


  12. I haven’t seen any of the movies yet either. I’m going to vote for The Help, I do plan to see that one soon. I would love to go with you Heidi ; )


  13. I’m going to predict Hugo, although I’m seeing The Descendants this weekend and will probably change my mind. Again. (Pick me! Pick me! and I’ll get a sitter;)


  14. I am going to lean towards Hugo. It’s a wonderful story and magical story and the cinematography is exquisite! I would LOVE to walk the red carpet with the Mayor and the rest of the beautiful people of Greeley! ๐Ÿ™‚


  15. Midnight in Paris was so wonderful, but think as it came out early in the year it will be overshadowed by the most recent releases – sad.


  16. I have seen most of the nominated movies and my vote is for The Help. Doubt it will win, but I enjoyed it most.


  17. Tree of Life!

    oh… you said who will win… well I can hope can’t I?




  19. The winner is…. KAREN! She think the Best Picture will go to The Artist (and I think she might be right).

    She has been notified via email.

    Thank you to everyone for entering this contest. This is going to be fun-filled evening so I hope you consider purchasing tickets and joining us!!!


    1. WOO HOOOOOOO!! Oh wow! This is going to be so fun!! Thank you Heidi! I cannot wait to hang out with you on Sunday! ๐Ÿ˜€


  20. “The Artist” is vastly overrated…”Hugo” all the way!


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