A HeidiTown favorite: Colorado Coffee Exhange

I’ve been remiss in my duty to review this place. My husband and I been going to this coffee shop since they first opened as a Loveland Coffee several years ago. We go there so often they recognize our vehicles when we pull up to the drive-thru. I use the coffee shop as a second office, and I use the drive-thru when I don’t have time to stop in for

HeidiTown loves David Sedaris

A review of, “When You are Engulfed in Flames” a book by David Sedaris. I first heard of David Sedaris at an airport bar in Portland, Oregon. My flight to Denver was delayed so I decided to have a glass or two of wine while waiting, and I quickly struck up a conversation with a friendly woman at the bar. We started talking religion, yes, religion.     I can’t

"Twilight" - Let the reading commence!

It turns out all my friends were already lending their copies out, so I had to purchase my own copy of “Twilight.” Today I bought a used edition so as not to add to the heavily lined pockets of Stephenie Meyer. Plus, I’m cheap and used books are as good as new, unless someone has blacked out all the words. Oddly, the bookseller had actually been to HeidiTown. It’s always

HeidiTown takes on "Twilight"

I first heard about the Twilight series several years ago on NPR, yes, National Public Radio. They were doing a report on the popularity of the series among thirty and forty-something women who were stealing the book from their daughters and reading it on the sly. I hadn’t heard of the series before the report, and didn’t hear about it again for months until several friends got hooked on the

"The Invention of Lying" - not exactly what you are expecting

            Rated PG13 Directed by Ricky Gervais and Matthew Robinson Starring Ricky Gervais, Jennifer Garner, Jonah Hill, Louis C.K., Jeffrey Tambor, Rob Lowe, Tina Fey, and a variety of odd cameos Heidi’s Illustrious Rating: 3.5/5 Word of Warning: This is not a slap-stick, laugh riot. This is not “Bruce Almighty.” Gervais has a dry sense of humor. People either get him, or don’t get him.

"Community" beating the pants off "The Office"

Just when I thought I couldn’t love this show anymore, last night’s show had an ode to my all-time favorite movie, “Dead Poets Society.” So now it  is now official: I will cry if they cancel “Community.” If you haven’t seen “Community,” it stars Joel McHale, most famous as the host of E’s “The Soup,” he also  snagged a  role as an FBI agent  in the new Matt Damon flick,

Barley Days Barbeque in Berthoud, Colorado

Come celebrate small town America in Berthoud, Colorado this Saturday. This is the first annual Barley Days Barbeque, which will be held in Fickel Park. The event is sponsored by the Berthoud Area Chamber of Commerce. There will be beer, brats, bbq,  music and much, much more. Bring the whole family and stay for the entire afternoon. Barley Days starts at 12 p.m. on Saturday, October 3, and runs until

Pourhouse opens in Loveland

Review originally published on August 20, 2009.   Downtown Loveland has a new restaurant at 124 E. 4th Street. The former Cipoletti’s  restaurant is now the PourhouseBar & Grill.    Pourhouse opened  yesterday, and I was there to check it out.   The first noticeable difference is the outside of the building – it has been painted black. The inside has been altered only slightly.   Walls have been removed