There’s been a bit of construction here in HeidiTown, so things might look a little different as you cruise around.
First and foremost, you can now subscribe to HeidiTown. If you’d like to be notified via an email from the Mayor each time a new and exciting post goes up, please enter your email address into the box at the right.
Second, you may notice the Cinema and Eat tabs are missing. You will now find those sections under the Extra!Extra! tab. The Mayor will continue writing movie reviews and the occasional dining review, but these two categories will not be the main focus of this blog.
Also new, the Colorado Festivals & Events tab. This section will grow and grow as HeidiTown evolves into your one-stop-shop for all information on Colorado festivals. From small town fairs to big time events, the Mayor intends to dig up all the great times Colorado has to offer.
Last, but not least, don’t forget the Travel tab! This area will also be expanding to include road trips throughout Colorado and beyond.
So put the top down, buckle up and get ready for the ride! It’s gonna be good.