Hey Look! It’s 2022

I usually write a HeidiTown year-in-review type of post. Twice I have started and stopped writing one for 2021. Let’s face it, 2021 was not what it was cracked up to be. For one thing, it was going to be better than 2020, because any year would be better. However, it didn’t live up to the hype. I am not trying to be a Debbie Downer, I am simply writing the truth.

Mt Sopris, Carbondale, Colorado. HeidiTown.com
Let’s bring this gal back!

Last week, again I sat down to write this post and within minutes saw news of wildfires in Boulder County. I watched the television as intense sadness settled over my house. It’s hard to write in a cheery voice when people are losing their homes. My aunt and uncle lost their home to fire in the eighties, and there is almost nothing worse.

Over the last couple of years, I’ve lost the innate happiness that comes with being the Mayor of HeidiTown. I have been afraid to admit this openly, but it’s true.

Sangre de Cristo Mountains. HeidiTown.com
Sangre de Cristo Mountains

I love to experience outrageous festivals, new-to-me restaurants and fantastic destinations, even if I’ve been there before. I have an unadulterated love of things like the view of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains driving down Poncha Pass and into the San Luis Valley. According to my husband, I have declared more than one vistas to be the most beautiful one in Colorado. I understand his point, but at the time I make those declarations, they are true.

Rio Frio on Ice 2016 HeidiTown.com (3)
I finished the Rio Frio on Ice 5K in 2016. The Rio Frio Ice Fest is one of the most unique winter festivals in Colorado. It occurs on the Rio Grande River in Alamosa.

I love sharing these experiences, tastes and towns with you, the HeidiTown citizens. Almost nothing makes me happier than finding out that someone took my advice to travel to a specific place or go to a certain festival. Of course, finding out that they had the time of their lives is the absolute best.

This is not the time to delve into what has happened to the Colorado travel industry over the last several years. I will just say that things are different, very different. I am not exactly sure how this will change HeidiTown, although right now, it means no paying clients.

Benny's Tacos Berthoud TacosandPho Kerr-Schlaefer
Benny’s Tacos in Berthoud, Colorado.

We have had memorable HeidiTown experiences this 2021 in Wyoming, Colorado and Nebraska. Many of our road trips have included Fritzi, which is grand! Perhaps the most exciting project for me was starting TacosandPho.com. In the name of blog research, I have explored new-to-me taco and pho restaurants in Northern Colorado and have gotten to share the information with you.

I am trying to remain positive, and some days are better than others. I hope the future brings new adventures to you and me. Until then, I will have a taco and you should too.


  1. I love tacos as well! Maybe not as much as the mayor of Heiditown… πŸ™‚


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