May 2022

Ticket Giveaway, 4 concerts, Rialto Theater, Loveland, Colorado

This summer, Rialto Theater, Loveland’s 102 year old, downtown jewel, will present the Trailhead Sessions. This will be a new series of four concerts featuring soulful harmonies, toe tapping blues and throw back vibes. By the way, Rialto Theater is one reason we live in Loveland. When we first drove through, we were so pleased to see an historic theater still open in downtown. When Rialto Theater staff asked me

Dust Bowl Road Trip The Museum Issue HeidiTown (5)

Sometimes, people hear or read the word “museum” and stop listening or reading, but preserving the stories of the past is important. Even if we didn’t have a direct relative who lived through this dire part of history, it is part of the American story; the human story. There are three museums that we wanted to visit on our Dust Bowl road trip. These museums were not just telling a

Dust Bowl Road Trip: A License to Drink in Texas & A Dust Storm

We sailed into Dalhart, Texas in the late afternoon. Dahlart and Boise City are at the heart of “The Worst Hard Time” book, and here is why we were here. Warmer than we’d experienced this spring, we wandered around the tree-lined sidewalks with Fritzi. Just past 5 p.m., everything downtown had closed and parking spots and silence were plentiful. After our flat tire fiasco, documented in this post, we were

Dust Bowl Road Trip A Flat Tire, New Tires & Popping Wheelies. HeidiTown (10)

We left Canyon Journeys and the Everett Ranch in the morning, bumping south over gravel roads towards Oklahoma. It was day two of our Dust Bowl Road Trip, and we were excited to explore. Learn the reasons why we did this road trip here. We stopped for a romp at Carrizo Canyon Picnic Area, just south of the ranch. The canyon is beautiful but watch out for poison ivy (Ryan

Dust Bowl Road Trip Canyon Journeys in Baca County, Colorado. HeidiTown (9)

I haven’t been exactly sure how to approach writing about our Dust Bowl Road Trip. There is a lot to unpack here (to use a phrase popular in today’s lexicon). It was an adventure and it was eye-opening on many levels. We made several unexpected stops that included a blown out tire in Colorado or Oklahoma (we’re not sure). I’ve decided against a day-by-day account. I think I’ll hop around

Denver Museum IMAX Giveaway HeidiTown

Longtime readers know that I like birds. They fascinate me. Even geese. In fact, I believe geese will inherit the earth. Long after humans have ceased to exist for whatever reason, geese will still be flying, honking and pooping all over everything. They are a very adaptable animal.  When I was asked if I’d be interested in seeing “Wing Over Water” at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science, I