Well, the town turned 16 this October, and I turned 47. Life has a funny way of plodding along at a seemingly faster and faster pace.

Another year of HeidiTown is in the books (or on the blog, as it were). The most important that happened in 2023, is that I started HeidiTown Consulting. Also, and maybe this is the most important, I ceased all freelance writing except for The Heidi Guide in Mountain Living. I kept The Heidi Guide for several reasons but mostly because it’s branded as me, and it’s super fun. Do you realize I’ve been writing The Heidi Guide since 2015?
In many ways, I thought as HeidiTown Consulting started in February, I’d already be working steadily, spreading the word about loving where you live, and all that jazz.
Of course, the reality is that like starting any business, it’s been a slog (and a slew of online meetings). I am not kidding. At one point, I was having three meetings a day, which is a lot for me. I am lucky to have an understanding husband.

A few milestones have happened. I have had two official presentations by HeidiTown Consulting, and a project just got underway this month in an Eastern Colorado county. Plus, I have attended three crucial conferences. Things are happening, albeit slowly (at least for me). I like to move at the speed of light and right now it feels as though I’m moving at the rate of a sloth.
The 16th year of HeidiTown included Ryan’s 50th birthday party in Saratoga, Wyoming, in November. Not an official HeidiTown trip, of course, I wrote about it anyway.
Also in November, we enjoyed a staycation in our town of Loveland. We did downtown during the holidays like tourists, enjoyed Loveland Winter Wonderlights at Chapungu Sculpture Park, cheered on our Eagles hockey team, and stayed at Embassy Suites.
Light up the Holidays: Green Chile & Hockey in Loveland, Colorado
By the way, the Embassy Suites in Loveland is nice and they have delicious homemade green chile at breakfast. It’s worth a stay just for that.

In January, I wrote an article that helped me clarify what I love. It originally appeared in the Berthoud Weekley Surveyor.
The Importance of Shopping Local & Why I Do It
I had just written a HeidiTown New Year’s article where I had used a quote from Lao Tzu.
“If you do not change direction, you may end up where you’re heading.”
Quite frankly, after the pandemic, freelance writing was getting me nowhere. While I loved life before the pandemic, afterward, it wasn’t the same. I needed to forge a new path.
In February, I introduced Heidi KS Consulting which quickly became HeidiTown Consulting. I was off and running, to where I wasn’t quite sure, I was a little like Forest Gump, I was just running.
In those first three months, I had terrifying doubts. I’d get into the shower thinking that HeidiTown Consulting was the best idea I’d ever had, and I’d get out of the shower convinced it was the worst.
Today, I think of it as leading me to the place where I want to be and that’s helping people love their towns.

In February, we also took a trip. This time, to Alamosa and the San Luis Valley. One of my absolute favorite spots for tacos and neverending views of mountains.
Alamosa, Colorado: A James Beard Nomination & Taco Heaven
At the beginning of March, we went to the National Fiery Foods & BBQ Show. Again, this wasn’t a hosted or official HeidiTown trip. I don’t think Visit Alburquerque or Visit New Mexico noticed I was there, but I was, and I liked it. Actually, we might go back, because the event was fantastic and only $10. We also enjoyed Albuquerque and its many, many breweries and taco trucks.
We didn’t travel after that until Taste of Vail, which is always a highlight. As usual, it resulted in a ton of social media and a heartfelt post about Colorado wine.
Find the Soul in Colorado Wine: Go to the Source
I still have festival and event clients on HeidiTown and it was a good summer. Keystone Festivals came back for what I think was a 6th year of advertising their flight of summer festivals, Greeley Friday Fest came on board, and Winter Park Beer Fest was a client. Currently, HeidiTown clients are Centerra events in Loveland, and Vilar Performing Art Center in Beaver Creek, Colorado.
In the spring, we took a trip to Glenwood Springs, a longtime favorite Colorado destination for us, and then we went on a memorable dog-friendly wedding anniversary excursion to Northern New Mexico where we spent three nights in the tiny town of Dixon.
A Northern New Mexico Road Trip: Dixon, Part One
The dog traveled with us a lot this year, and that’s the way we like it. She really likes it!

We enjoyed Riverdance at the Buell, I took a HeidiTown Consulting trip to Saratoga which was hosted by the Riveria Motor Lodge. Of course, I wrote about it here. Ryan spent quite a bit of time this year celebrating the new Indiana Jones movie (did you know Indiana’s childhood home is in Colorado?).
Why We Visited Antonito, Colorado: An Indiana Jones Story
Of course, we went to Keystone this summer. This time we went to Bacon & Bourbon Festival and without a doubt, you should go. That’s it. Just go. Unless you don’t like bacon or bourbon (which would be my vegetarian mother, but the rest of you should go).

In July, I wrote another heartfelt post about why beer festivals can and should survive. I’m fairly passionate about this topic folks! You’ve been warned. This month also saw us on our annual tanking trip to Nebraska. This is no longer an official HeidiTown trip. We do it with friends for the pure fun of it. If you still don’t know what tanking is, you’re a newbie to HeidiTown.
What is Tanking in Nebraska?
I did my usual pro bono HeidiTown work this year.
Puppy Mill Awareness Day
Barbarian Feast: Meat, Mead, Beer & Belly Dancing in Loveland
It had been several years since we’d been in Winter Park, but this summer we got to take a trip there with the dog.

The last couple of months have been full of conferences, my birthday, HeidiTown Consulting work, including presentations, and a truly amazing trip to Vail and the Vilar Performing Arts Center during peak color weekend in the Vail Valley.

I did get on a plane this year. I went to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, with a friend to watch her in action (she does a lot of speaking gigs all over the country). Although I may do a lot of public speaking one day, I’m not sure I can handle all the airport crap. I’m more of a road trip gal.
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina: Seafood, Swings & Ocean Sounds
I realize this was a very, very long post, but it was probably more for me than you. It’s healthy for me to see this all outlined. Progress at HeidiTown Consulting has been made in the 16th year of HeidiTown, and in no way have I sacrificed this blog for that to happen.

As always, thanks for spending another year in town. HeidiTown Consulting wouldn’t have happened without the contacts I’ve made through writing HeidiTown. There wouldn’t be a HeidiTown at all if it weren’t for the citizens who’ve been with me throughout, as readers, or as social media fans (or both). It’s been an amazing ride and I’m sincerely looking forward to the 17th year of this little town. I hope you’re along for the bumpy ride.