South Park City Museum

Small towns are full of character and characters, and that’s what makes travel across this country so great. Meeting interesting people, trying new restaurants, exploring the unknown and learning a little about an area are the reasons I enjoy being a tourist. However, when you meet a tourist in your own town, are you excited to tell them about your community, or do you struggle to find something nice to

flowering apple tree

It’s time for another HeidiTown segment on KRFC 88.9 FM. During the week these segments run Wednesday, between 12 and 12:30 p.m., and on Friday at 5:30 p.m. For those of you who may wonder why I never mention the price of admission to events and festivals on the radio, it’s because it’s against the policy of public radio.  I am not even allowed to say whether an event is

Little girl on pony.

I really enjoy sharing events like the Mead Roubaix Festival with my readers. Small town festivals are at the heart of what this blog is all about. There is just something extra charming about festivals held in little communities around Colorado. The first Mead Roubaix Festival was held last year, and it is a combination of bike race and community fest. The bike race attracted 600 participants who made their

MyHandleBar 2012

The weekends seem to be flying by at a frightfully fast rate!  I can’t believe that it is already mid-April.  The following is the transcript from my weekly radio show on KRFC 88.9 FM. You can either read the transcript below or listen to the audio of the show HERE. *** Hi, my name is Heidi and I’m the Mayor of HeidiTown.com, a blog about events, festivals and travel around

Sound of Music MAC logo

The hills of Northern Colorado are alive with music this spring, because Midtown Art Center has “The Sound of Music” on their main stage. Colorado is lucky to have a collection of fine dinner theaters, and MAC is the only one located in Fort Collins. As a reminder, your ticket at this establishment includes dinner plus the show, and this all-in-one evening of entertainment is why dinner theater is a

bunny rabbit

It’s time for another blog installment of my weekly radio show on KRFC 88.9 FM. You can either read the transcript of this week’s segment below, or listen to the audio HERE. Either way, I hope you find it entertaining,  enlightening  and fun! *** Hi, my name is Heidi and I’m the Mayor of HeidiTown.com, a blog about events, festivals and travel around Colorado. Here’s the lineup for April 6th

Golden Eagle FB

I’ve always been fascinated by raptors. I grew up in an area heavily populated with bald eagles, and despite seeing them hundreds of times over the years, my sense of awe never went away. Currently, there’s a red-tail hawk that I see regularly out on my daily walks with the dog. He no longer flies away when we walk beneath his giant cottonwood, but rather watches us closely should we

Grimm Bros Brewhouse

I leave the serious beer blogging to people like Dave at FermentedlyChallenged.com, but I believe spending a lovely afternoon at the brewery is an event well suited for a write up on HeidiTown. Northern Colorado is filled with friendly people, lots of bikes, and if you toss a stone you’ll surely hit a brewery, and while the area is home to some very well known breweries, there are a few

New Belgium Scavenger Hunt poster

The following is the transcript from my weekly segment on KRFC 88.9 FM.  If you’d prefer to listen to the audio —>  LISTEN HERE. *** Hi, my name is Heidi and I’m the Mayor of HeidiTown.com, a blog about events, festivals and travel across Colorado. Here’s the line up for March 30th through April 1st, 2012. First, I want to point out an error in last week’s segment.  I said

Wine Fest Partner Badge

Didn’t win a pair of tickets to Wine Fest in Fort Collins in last week’s HeidiTown contest?  Well, here is your chance to buy tickets and get treated like a star!  Wine Fest has created a special incentive package for HeidiTown readers. If you purchase tickets through the link provided below, you will receive the following: 1. Two free raffle tickets for the Grand Wine  Fest Prize, a handmade wooden