Radio sign

This week’s radio show on KRFC 88.9 FM covers a bunch of stuff including the new online Masters in Tourism Program at Colorado State University, the Hospitality, Events and Tourism program at Metropolitan State University, my upcoming weekend trip to Cripple Creek, Colorado, a review of my favorite post from this fall season and a little housekeeping. KRFC is asking for your help – if you are a listener, please

The Schuhplattlers at Berthoud Oktoberfest

It’s time for another radio segment on KRFC 88.9 FM. I’ve been on KRFC for over a year and that’s more than 52 weeks worth of festival information that has gone out to listeners. I sincerely appreciate KRFC giving me the opportunity to share HeidiTown with their audience and I look forward to another fun year. Last week I was asked to speak to a local Fort Collins MOMS Group.

Kingdom Days logo

I started HeidiTown in 2007, as a review blog. I started blogging specifically about events and festivals in May 2010. I’ve always said that HeidiTown was not a calendar of events,  but rather stuff the Mayor likes. Unfortunately, it’s starting to look a lot like a calendar, especially this weekly post. I’m going to shake things up. After this week, I am no longer going to give radio listeners a


This post includes some exciting news! The new banners are at the printers, so look for one at a festival near you this summer. And now on to our regular scheduled programming… the following is the transcript from my weekly segment on KRFC 88. 9 FM. If you’d rather listen to the audio, click here. *** Hi, my name is Heidi and I’m the Mayor of, a blog

Heidi & donkey

The following is the transcript from my weekly radio segment on KRFC 88.9 FM in Fort Collins, Colorado. If you’d like, listen to the AUDIO HERE. *** Hi, my name is Heidi and I’m the Mayor of, a blog about events, festivals and travel across Colorado. Before I tell you what’s happening this weekend, I want to tell you about this month’s Gives Back recipient. Every month, I

Celebrate KRFC 88.9 FM's 9th birthday with FREE tickets!

Some of you may still be unaware, but Fort Collins, Colorado is becoming the place to be a rising music star, and KRFC 88.9 FM has been there along the way providing a platform for these musicians to reach out to the community and the world. Fort Collins is very lucky to have a community radio station such as KRFC, and since August 2011, I’ve been lucky enough to be

KRFC birthday bash

The following is my weekly segment on KRFC 88.9 FM. If you prefer, you can listen to the  audio HERE, or read through the following transcript of the show.  Enjoy! FYI: I am giving away tickets to the KRFC Birthday Bash on this Thursday, March 8, so please tune back into the blog on Thursday to enter! *** Hi, my name is Heidi and I’m the Mayor of, a

Manitou Springs Carnivale

As you probably now know, has a weekly radio show on  KRFC 88.9 FM  and  I post the transcript and upload the audio of each show here on the blog.  Depending on my editorial schedule for that particular week, these radio posts go up on Tuesday or Thursday. To listen to the audio CLICK HERE, or read through the following transcripts. *** Hi, my name is Heidi and I’m

boy on sled

The following is the HeidiTown weekly segment on KRFC 88.9 FM, public radio in Fort Collins, Colorado. Listen to the audio —> HERE Hi, my name is Heidi, and I’m the Mayor of, a blog about Colorado events, festivals and road trips. I have become the expert on Colorado travel, so be sure you are hooked up with me in the world of Social Media. The town is especially

Postage stamp

The following is the transcript from HeidiTown’s weekly radio segment on  KRFC 88.9 FM  in Fort Collins, Colorado.  Covering the weekend of January 6-8, 2012. Listen to the audio —>  HERE. Hi, my name is Heidi and I’m the mayor of, a blog about events, festivals and road trips around Colorado. It’s looking like January is a rather quiet month in Northern Colorado, so if you know of an